Winnipeg Rants

"The definition of "Winnipeg":

We love to talk about things. We love to examine things. We love to look for the cheapest possible option. And we love to rally against change. Change of any kind. We don't want anything new, modern, or state-of-the-art. Oh-unless $0.00 of our tax money is used, of course. 

We do nothing but whine about complain about how every penny of tax money is spent. If it's going to make Winnipeg a more fun, exciting, desirable place to live, we're against it before even knowing what it is. Or without even understanding how it will benefit us.
We embrace our "inferiority complex". Edmonton? Ottawa? Calgary? Well.. they're all richer than us. They can afford things. We can't. They're superior to us, with all their well-to-do citizens. Here? It's Kraft Dinner nightly and just scraping by with each bi-weekly meager paycheque. 

This is shitty Winnipeg- new, exciting, bold things don't happen here. Because they're not supposed to. We'll join the 21st century when we're good and ready- and not a moment sooner.

You should post that on . A poster by the name of Northender will tell you how safe walking down Selkirk Av and McGregor St at 1:00 AM is. And appearantly we should all move to the North End, becuase it has hardly any crime, and no gangs, according to Northender..

Winnipeg sucks, theres nothing to do here, especially in winter when it gets blistering cold to the point, you feel like your limbs are gonna freeze and fall out. The nightscene ain't all that great, some bars are deader than others on a sat night which is something i don't understand, i've been to other cities like Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and btw, Montreal is the best city when it comes to this subject, bar none, but back to Weinerpeg, somethings definitely lackin in the nightscene. Then again, theres other problems besides that, for example, no NHL team, shopping experience here is non existent compared to other cities, ugly depressing downtown, shitty roads, mosquitoes the size of vultures, high crime and high car thefts, this city is everything a city shouldn't be in other words, WINNIPEG SUCKS !!!!!

I join to your words. Winnipeg is a sh1thole. I mentioned already in "Winnipeg is a hellhole" topic 10 reasons why Winnipeg sucks.

I lived there for a couple of years! It is the worst place in Canada. Terrible people...ugly city...the worst of the worst is in Winnipeg! I so thankful not to be in the worst place in Canada anymore.

born and raised and i cannot think of a town with such a small minded personna.rampent nimbyisim and a fear of change

'The definition of "Winnipeg":' An ugly city with dreadful winters not much to do and a bunch of petty, small minded people who've convinced themselves contrary to all evidence that they don't really live in a shithole.

Your a moron its no different then any other Canadian City in the winter time.

Small minded is right. My dad was Scottish, and had worked in many places around the world. He was working in Toronto, but then was transferred to Winnipeg. No one cared where he had been before, or that he wasn't 'from the east' technically speaking...they couldn't get past the fact he had most recently been working in Toronto. Of course, they hated him even more because the rubes that stayed in Winnipeg had totally f'ed up a project they were working on and someone had to come in and show them how to do it right. 
Most of the spending their is public sector, so no one cares if things go off the rails, but it was a private sector project and they had to try to meet timelines and budgets and discovered that they couldn't wipe their behinds. 
Anyone with any ambition should get the heck out of there as soon as they are finished high school.

Where the hell do you downhill ski in Winnipeg LOL. Former landfill sites with t-bar lifts don't count.

Been to winnipeg 4 times, twice i found myself without my vehicle. I don't plan to return. People weren't very friendly but I guess u can find that anywhere. It is colder than cold there. Go to vancouver or montreal for a good time. 

I agree with you on just one point, and that is your point about the sunsets; you can't see the ugliness that is Winnipeg after the sun vanishes for the night.

Just two cents from living experience,,,,I was born and raised here,,,,left this city in 1992 and lived in Vancouver, California and a virtual cornfield of a small town in the US midwest....I got back here two years ago to find Winnipeg is exactly the same as it was in 1992!! The geography, the buildings, the parks, rivers, landscape are perfectly fine and can't be compared to anywhere else on earth,,,,everywhere on this gorgeous globe is different from another place.....what makes Winnipeg such a horrible city is the fact that every Winnipegger I've met, save for 3 of them, in the last two years has made sure to crap all over their own hometown right to my ears!!! I can't believe the hatred of everything local and afar that I've encountered since I got back....If anyone here hasn't lived in Winnipeg (I did for 3 decades at once),,,,they are speaking from pure ignorance,,,those who speak from personal life experience such as I are more than valid in their opinions of this city-awaiting-holocaust! Gawd I hope to be outta here by Xmas,,,,I came back hoping to invest big time and big $ in this city and I've been convinced by every slice of humanity one can imagine that this is the worst place in Canada to even think of settling and being a happy, decent, open-minded human being....I just can't seem to work up the hatred it seems to take to live here!,,,,lol, I'm too busy working on another business plan!

The very idea of change or improvement is met with total resistance by everyone I've met...this city should be a gravel-roaded panorama of brick buildings, identical rowhouses, and gas light lamps to satisfy the local population. It's a nightmare of pure hate,,,,not political hate, but just hate for everyone at once, there doesn't seem to be any exclusions for individual human beings that one can shake hands with...those aren't real here, only the concepts of whatever "tribe" one associates with is what counts here. 

It's a factory-built, cheapo southeast Asian import, deep discount, hate-filled, politically incorrect pit of venom and collective diminuation of human beings, cultureless city that should be returned to grassland in my opinion,,,,,I've now lived here for 32 years! I'll never make the mistake of returning to this horror again....EVER!!

 Yeh I went to a bar there (male) recently. I was buying a drink when I was surrounded by 5 people (3 male 2 female) Having no previous engagement they surrounded me continuously saying "Your sexy and you know it"! and rubbing my body... believe me I really don't appreciate being touched by that many people- especially dudes. On my way home all the taxi services let us freeze to death until we literally jumped infront of one. We seen a guy who was laying on the ground covered in blood outside the delta. A few days later that night in another incident a person had been stabbed in an unrelated instance the exact same night.. cops would litterally drive past fighting in the street. THIS IS NOT A CITY TO EVER GO TOO NO MATER WHAT!!! STAY AWAY!!!

That's hilarious! I lived in the North end for just under 20 years. I was SO happy to get out of there. Now, I can accidentally leave something outside overnight and it's STILL THERE the next morning. Not so in the North End.

It may have been illegal, but I kept a loaded shotgun near my bed every night for the past 15 years. I was lucky in that I never had to use it.

 Dude, that sounds very creepy. It seems some Winnipegger's have this need to make unrequested bodily contact, even if you do your best to drop hints, they just don't get it. There are certain places in the world where they'd be killed for pulling that shit.

I lived in that poop hole for over 40 years before I wised up and moved to the maritimes. Winnipeg isin't friendly, maybe 30 years ago but not now. Once you travel across Canada and see other cities you realize Winnipeg is one big cesspool of filth. This coming from an ex pegger that used to fiercely defend that bunghole. Do yourself a favour and get out of that scum pond.

Winnipeg is the largest unofficial aboriginal reserve in the country. They have all the criminal morons here. Earlier, I had some scarred aboriginal dude banging on my door and trying to pick my lock in the door. Called the cops, before they got, he escaped, then 30 minutes later returned and tried to break my door again and this time the cops got him. There are no wards to describe this shithole!!!! I hate this city "downtown" especially! Nothing good here, only crime, scum and run down infrastructure.

Your a reason why i hate this city too, F*cking racist, Thats the reason this city is such a shit hole. The city doesn't try to do anything about it, in poverty stricken areas they set up beer vendors and bars, how the hell will that help anyone progress out of poverty? It won't. This place will continue to be a sh*t hole since half of the white population hate natives with a passion,

That has got to be the weakest and most illogical argument I think I've ever heard when it comes to Winnipeg's violent crime problem. Blaming businesses for society's abuse problems amounts to taking zero responsibility for one's addictions. If you want to blame anyone, you blame the city of Winnipeg's Zoning and Bylaw department. By the way, there's a certain pawn shop in the city that happens to be conveniently located inside the same building as a bar and beer vendor, originally funded by a greedy Metis businessman who took advantage of impoverished people for decades. Maybe you should look at the actions of your own people before blaming society for your misfortunes. Grow up and take some responsibility and quit playing the race card as an excuse.

Most of the natives are the welfare sucking scumbags in this country, it is a fact.

What are you talking about skiing. The place is so flat. There. No skiing.there are no hills. Who ever plays hockey is moronic. The only thing to do in this province is drink. Or bang your head against a wall until you pass out and don't have to deal with this s@$t hole!

lived here for soo many years and finally moving.

Winnipeg is an obscure city, never seen mor young wannabes with no drive, inbreds, low intelligence and then an infrastructure like a third world country.

Let us not forget the lovely downtown but we are bonuses with lovely st James, polo park is fun but but not overshadowed by the north end, and no I didn't forget about transcona.
It seems that all of the countries immigrants, this year 20 000 of them came here with a housing shortage for its own inhabitants.

Multiculturalism has never will never and doesn't work.

We are a country where we are not individual and special snowflakes the government wants to sell you and the bleeding heart liberals eat up like a big Mac for an overweight cougar in a short dress and clear heels.

Have you been to wal mart in st vital lately, I felt I was in Nigeria a d Turkey at the same time.

With a small population density underplayed lower class, high welfare and natives flourishing here from reserves we have a beautiful city.

Of course there are always exceptions but on the whole it remains
One true great city doesn't it?

Funny how we complain about the natives and immigration in private to one another.
Maybe we should take heed from Germany and stop immigration and give our mothers 3 years of maternity leave and yes paid, then per kindergarten for half a day with a person watching over them for free in the afternoon as well as for kindergarten, but probably too expensive for Canada hell immigration is more fun, you never know what ya get.
Enjoy, gettin out.

 Bleeding heart freaks then invite 2 natives to live in your house for free.
Or go for a walk downtown this evening, nicely dressed, anytime this evening after 7 is ok.
Hmmmmmm guess you know better, city is full of thieves, killers, crack heads, I saw a native teenager take a small cat and twist its head, snapping it, then throw it in an
Maybe the bleeding hearts can help rehabilitate him?
Go eat in the food court at polo park anytime, see what's
Or maybe you will get mugged in the malls foyer, or your car stolen. 
Winnipeg and welfare, never been on it, needed it once but had too much pride and pulled through my hard times s o long ago, point is we give handouts easily, wish I was native and an immigrant, cause I would get native benefits and immigration benefits of free dental, free prescription and non prescription drugs, 2 years free college and free university for natives, why go on, getting out of this whole of a city and country.

 Your obviously inept or were dropped on your head as a child, possibly have fetal alcohol syndrome or are all of the above including a crack baby.

Enjoy the city, gettin out and lived in Europe for 10 years and ths city let alone country offers nothing. 

Why do you think there re so many expats, if you don't understand the word look it up, you sound like an uneducated chid.

 It is a shit hole consumed by people living through their children's lives, keeps them from thinking about their own life. Worst city to breed in.

A big Brandon
Full of rednecks, inbreds and ho's
All small businesses fail and makes me so happy to watch them go out of business
Life is good

 You need to be at least a part time drunk to fit in this place. I have no problem with the weather, it is what it is. I can't stand how many natives (don't mean to generalize but it's true) are involved in crime. It's everywhere. I live in the south end(supposedly safe) and its shit. My friend was brutally murdered for no reason by a 17&15 year old native boys. Total joke. The city is pretty damn ugly. The people for the most part are so close minded it's not even funny. Everyone knows everyone literally. It's pathetic. Once I'm done university I'm leaving for a long time before my ass comes back.

Winnipeg is a joke. Traffic is retarted and so are the people. All "attractions" are a joke. Downtown. In every other Canadian city is lively, vibrant and never sleeping. Winnipegs downtown is full of deadbeats, it's dirty, and if you're there alone you probably ain't coming back. It's such a joke. But wait the jets will make everything better. And are new statium well that just ozes salvation from its every pore.

Hmmm...have you been to any other Canadian city? Because the downtowns in all of the cities are dead at night. A little bit less dead in Montreal and Toronto, but then only on weekends for the most part. I was in Vancouver a few months back and I remember thinking how quiet the city was at night, even by Winnipeg's standards. Canada is not Europe. Been to Vancouver's Downtown East Side? How's that for deadbeats...lots of used needles, real clean. You need to get out more, seriously. There's a lot to do if you look for it. Check out your leisure guide. Check out different parts of the city for cycling or a long walk.

agree completely. i have been hear a year and a half and currently on the way out. disgusting, ugly city with horrific weather. to say the people are friendly is a major over statement and undtrue. people are depressed and nasty. Can't wait to get out of here.

Let's change the logo on the licenceplates from " Friendly Manitoba" to "Weird Winnipeg"! People are walking around fearful or with their noses in the air. It is either self centered jerks or self absorbed snobby women. I have been told to " eff off...I can get my own door" for politely holding a door open for a gal going into the Bay downtown. We are too conservative for our own good...afraid to try something new. I am becoming ashamed to say I am from here.

I've been dying for a place to complain for the last 30 years... when I moved to Winnipeg from Florida. Yes, I got married to a Manitoban. 

Not only was it cold and unfriendly (compared to where I came from), there were no trees or hills or anything that warranted looking at. I tried and tried for 15 years. I was scared of going out into the prairie landscape, it was moonscape, and it felt so far from civilization, I felt stranded. I was depressed and suicidal. Finally (13 yrs. ago) we moved to Ottawa -- HALLELUJAH -- and I began having nightmares that we'd come back to Winnipeg and couldn't get back home to Ottawa. I refused to go visit friends there for 10 years because it gave me the heebie jeebies to think about it. I had nightmares about Higgins Street, about driving in ruts in the snow, about long never-ending cold days, about mosquitoes and bad neighbours. I don't think there's anybody in the world who hates Winnipeg more than I do.

 never post here but really felt I needed to comment. I notice that almost all the Peg defenders cannot use grammar properly nor can they form a cohesive arguement. When one says, "Your a dumbass" what one really means is you are a dumbass or you're a dumbass. Second, calling someone names like "mentally ill" does not prove your (not you're) arguement- in fact, mental illness is just that- an illness and in the wider world is recognised as such. The education system in Winnipeg contributes to what a truly aweful place this is and creates this shared delusion that MB is 'friendly' and a great place to live. Look up the national education testing and see where your education ranks. As for the universities- my cat could get into UofM as long as I paid the tuition lol.

I have been to every major city North, South, East and West of Wpg. - having travelled the whole country by car over 3 - 4 months, and it is not what other cities are. The collective consciousness of this city is imbalanced and odd. Wpg' ers are known to be narrow minded and cheap. Our infrastructure is awful. We have 3rd world poverty in our front yards. Our poverty baseline is 10 000 a year when the rest of Canada's is $12 500. Crime is high. Downtown is unsafe. I have never felt connected to living here, and I was and raised here. I'm looking to move to TO where there is life everywhere when you walk the streets.

If I owned Winnipeg & Hell, I'd live in Hell - and rent out Winnipeg to some poor sap. 
Winnipeg truly is the worst city on this Earth.

 It's the most horrible "farm town"ever, I hate the we will mind your business for you attitude that I hate the most here. That and the ignorance and stupidity of most Winnipeggers. 

I hate WHA, Manitoba Employment Services (welfare), Winnipeg Harvest, United Way, and so many self serving so called charities here. 

It's nothing but people who want to look down at others who live in a worst situation. I know for a fact that that rich here laugh at the natives in their faces, and think all problems are native ones.  

People in Winnipeg are also prejudice and hateful, the worst people i ever seen anywhere.  
To build a human rights museum here is the worlds biggest insult to humanity.

And Trust me Winnipeg is a shit hole, but mostly it's because it caters to morons, the bottom feeders and the rich who pray on the weak. People here believe making less is a good thing, idiots ! 

Winnipeg is designed to keep you poor, and struggling so you can't leave it. As a car city it forces young people to buy a car, and then they are in the trap.  

If you speak up about the problems, these mansion lead idiots who control everything here make legal trouble for you,and keep you stuck lopping though the courts, destroying peoples lives and pushing people in suicide.  

They social workers kill baby's and get protection in doing so. This is what kind of place Winnipeg really is. Trust me 88% of places in North America you can earn more and you don't have to be stuck living around these haters.  

The glass is actually greener in most places compared to the frozen hell hole.

 Been here 1 week and planning on getting out. Streets are ridiculously full of snow yet thats what passes as grated. UGLY city. No class. Looks like a wasteland. Very disappointed but the good news Im just 2 hrs from beautiful Ontario. The only good thing that EVER came out of this hole was the birth of The Who. Imagine poor old Burton Cummings growing up here? No wonder he escaped. No fucking Beer stores No beer stores that deliver???? Are you kidding me? What a joke. This twon needs an enema. The asshole of Canada literally where all the shit ends up. Winner-peg. NOT!

Its the Guess Who. The WHO are a british band, with Pete Townsend, John Entwhistle, Keith Moon and Roger Daltry

I reluctantly returned to Winnipeg in July 2012 (for family reasons) after spending the previous 15 years out east (mostly in Montreal, with a few years in Quebec City and Toronto).

I have tried to keep an open mind. I'll admit that there ARE enough activities in Winnipeg to keep people busy (theatre, arts, sports, outdoors), so this is not the problem.

My three main issues are: 

1. Wages really are lower here for the "average" person [i.e. nonprofessional but with a university education]. The exception would be if you work for the government, for Hydro, or for a national/multinational company, which all allow you to live in relative luxury with a lower level of education. The fact that Winnupeg has a lower unemployment rate just means (I speculate) that more people have lost hope and have taken those $10-$12/hr jobs that are so plentiful here. 

2. Winnipeg does not offer a god variety of housing (type, size, price range). A decent-sized, quality condo seems overpriced in Winnipeg. I was prepared to buy a place here, but the longer I stay, the more reluctant I am to actually buy property. Reasonably priced rentals are mostly awful mid-rises, 3-level walkups, or 1950s bungalows. You should be able to rent a decent place for $1000/mo. in Winnipeg, but I see that conditions changed while I was gone. Take a look at to see what kinds of condos $225,000 (or less) will get you in Montreal or Quebec City; then compare them to what you can get in Winnipeg. Yes, Winnipeg real estate tends to offer better value per sq. foot (and income tax is lower), but we can never compete with the quality of life and variety in those other places. We don't have much variety in neighbourhoods here---it's either Osborne Village (good but still sketchy), Corydon/Lilac (stellar by Winnipeg standards), the Exchange (attractive and unique, but I would still be reluctant), or St. Boniface (some rough spots, but at least you can easily walk to those other neighbourhoods mentioned). Wolesley is nice, but surrounding neighbourhoods have some pretty serious problems (just watch the local news for a few days). I haven't forgotten the suburbs; they're just not worth mentioning. Seen one, seen 'em all. 

3. No matter what anyone says, you will eventually need a car in Winnipeg unless you have no family or friends to visit. I'm "low/middle income" but I never felt poor taking public transit in Montreal, QCity or Toronto---but a bus ride in Winnipeg is the most disheartening and humbling (read: depressing) experience I can get for my money. People who are against greenhouse gas emissions haven't taken the bus to/from work in Winnipeg on a daily basis. Two days of commuting will cure such people of their environmental consciousness and send them car shopping with a smile. 

In conclusion, I'll be leaving Winnipeg as soon as my family duties are fulfilled, or as soon as I crack (whichever comes first). At this point, I would welcome either possibility, but I am nervously coming to accept that I could be here for years. 

After I leave, I will only return to Winnipeg as a bag of ashes to be dropped into the ground. The only real estate investment worth making here is a cemetery plot (and I might even try to get a refund on that purchase at some point). 

If you are considering moving to Winnipeg, it should be for a very good salary. Save as much money as you can and then leave at the first opportunity. Having family and friends here will dull the pain but not cure it.

 You would be very surprised. Everyone who "loves Winnipeg" is just justifying their idiotic decision to remain.

It has gotten so much worse here in the last while. The crime, the ever increasing taxes, the ever-increasing human garbage walking the streets, the moronic attitudes of the people...even the odd gem like Grand Beach is disappearing under a blanket of toxic blue-green algae. 

Retirement is coming soon for me, moving to Ontario with half the provincial & property taxes and 1/10 the crime. And two months of winter instead of six.

 Tucker I lived in Montreal 6 years, it's not dead at all over night. Winnipeg is dead by 6 PM on a Friday. The unemployment rate is slightly less in Winnipeg region. I never been paid less then $11/hr a student a few years back. Many places higher, same job in Winnipeg pay min, and have less hours. Money goes further also in Montreal for poorer people, food is cheaper and transportation is about the same, yet you get around on time on a fully underground metro system. Then there is buses which come every 6 min, and night buses to prevent being fully stuck at nigh like in the Peghole. 

Winnipeg is not even a city, far as i am concerned, it an over sized farm town ! 
I could stop and look up statscan numbers too, in fact i am more qualified to read those numbers then most people. I also know I that though unemployment numbers read higher in Montreal, family income is also higher. On the other hand many natives that live in Winnipeg on government funds or no funds don't tell the government they stay in Winnipeg 90% of the time, so add about 5000 more people to the overall numbers of poor. Plus, unemployed in Montreal lasts until your high paying job has new contracts, in Winnipeg it means you looking for more low pay jobs.  

I can assure you Montreal is a lot more fun, safer, and has bigger opportunities for people then Winnipeg.

 Went for a walk today in filthville manitoba. Dunkirk and St Mary's road and a back lane. Recyclibles everywhere on sidewalks and boulevards thrown fron cars. Broken glass including beer bottles. Vodka bottle. Paper, cig wrappings. Dog shhit on the sidewalk. One huge stool sample that might be from a shindleman. What a disgrace.

I made the mistake of marrying a woman in Winnipeg when I was just supposed to be passing through on my from Ontario to Alberta. Was duped into thinking the woman I married would move soon after the wedding. I wasted 23 years of my life in that shit hole. I finally left the Winnipeg Gulag 2005. I don't have a single nice thing to say about the shit hole. I fCNg hate the place. I say bulldoze the entire city and leave it to the skeeters and lazy ass Indians and the rest of the deadbeats.

It's just horrible Francesca, and now with the quick melt and the rain there is large amounts of dog poop floating in my neighbour's yard. I feel like I am at risk of typhus or worse, and I'm worried that this will contaminate my garden and flower beds. 
Then there's people like JTF who contribute to the problem by allowing their dogs to bark and foul public parks and boulevards. Such slobs. 
If the city would charge $2500 for 5 years ($500/year...very reasonable) it would have a source of much needed revenue and the irresponsible dog owners, who sad to say are a large majority, would be much reduced in number. Part of the licence fee would be a requirement to watch a short video on responsible dog ownership and then to pass a written test.

 This is what I mean. Nobody wants to deal with all this mess from other people's dogs.
Don't know what drugs this clown is on. Winnipeg has three non-stop international flights: Minneapolis, Chicago and Denver. Everywhere else requires connections, and it is very expensive to fly from YWG because of lack of competition.

 I wish the city would get going on spring cleanup. Whats the hold up? Its like this every year, as if they act like flood..duh whats a flood? Or litter and D-shit, whats that? Or potholes, what are potholes? Get goin on these things NOW!!!

Walking downtown, and around the north is like playing russian roulette, "is that neech gonna come at me or not?".

I went through winnipeg .. Great place to take a Crap

The reality is with all the litter, it is not a very attractive city. I'm embarrassed to say where I live when I travel. 

100 years ago it was considered Canada's most beautiful city. Then came the wrecking balls and depressing brutalist architecture.  

And why is it that they have to use so much gravel on the streets? Other cities with similar climates don't do this. I guess one of the gravel pit owners is someone's buddy.
One week 'til May long and what a mess this city is.

 The street sweepers do a terrible job of cleaning all the sand and it builds up from year to year.

Why aren't they out now cleaning up the mess? Why are they waiting?

 Winnipeg is a dump, I lived in the city for 10 years but luckily moved out West to Alberta. I'm out here for only a week, Thank the lord.

Nothing changes in this city except it's cost which goes up. Here's a few things I love about this city:

Pot holes you can drown in

The shittiest roads I've ever seen

Mosquitos the size of tennis balls

Brutal winters

Worst drivers hands down

17.50 for a pack of smokes now

Lots of crime

Dirty streets


Lots of drug addicts and crazy Indians

Pissed of people everywhere

This is the only city I've been in where half the people you see walking around are wearing dirty old sweat pants and a dirty shirt, And where the traffic is so congested panhandlers can actually squeegee your front AND back window. Ever try and run into a convenience store to grab something quick? Good luck you're probably going to get stuck behind several gambling addicts blowing their welfare cheques on scratch tickets.

To the insane people trying to compare Winnipeg to Montreal, Pull your heads out of your asses. There is no comparison whatsoever, And this is coming from a white skinned red blooded conservative who likes to hate on Quebec frequently. Montreal is clean, Has nightlife, Lots of things to do, Is safe, GORGEOUS woman and so much more.

I could go on and on but don't take my word for it, Come down and experience it for yourself if you haven't yet. Just take my advice and pack light because once you're here, You won't be staying long.

Worst city I've ever had the misfortune of spending the night in. I'd rather kill my family one by one with my bare hands than make them suffer living in that hell. Do the Jets a favor, let them go back to Atlanta!

I agree with all the comments about this city.It's lacking in so many ways.There are some positives,but I feel the negatives totally outweigh them.I keep myself busy and try n shut out everything in this town that pisses because I'm happy go lucky,but it's hard.For me the winter n peoples attitudes are a deal breaker. Iv'e been fortunate to live all over Canada due to my work n this city doesn't pass the grade.I'll keep my cottage here because it's peaceful to go to but I plan to retire to the BC valley.Definitely not here! One last thing, everyones entitled to their opinion but when you start to denigrate others just because you don't agree with what they just helps validate the negativity people feel they experience here.

Lived in Winnipeg for 3 years and when I left it was one of the happiest days of my life. I found the people not especially friendly, unaware of life beyond Winnipeg, stuck in a time warp, petty and cheap. Food in the restaurants (not the vile fast food and chains) left a lot to be desired and the coffee always vile. Yes, its a cheap place to live in terms of rents and housing but who wants to come and live in Winnipeg? not exactly a destination or city of dreams.

The city's growth has stagnated, and try as they might, those in positions of authority don't realize that Wiinipeg will never be big. So, they should take their heads out of the sands and build on the smallness of the city, instead of letting urban sprawl continue to be the spreading cancer that is ruining it.

I was at Broadway and Spence last week and could smell pig barns. Today in St Vital I smell Brady road. That's Manitoba thinking, have gross stinky things close enough to Winnipeg so we can smell it. Its not as bad as cig smoke but its bad or biker B.O., but its bad.

Hey don't worry, you've got a $351 million human rights museum now! That was definitely money well spent. I can't think of a single thing that would have been a better investment. You'll have that money back, and more, in no time. It's going to draw people from all over the world, just to see it.

This is what I have noticed in my twelve years in this city:

1) This city has a very poor economy!

2) The infrastructure is laughable! This city is clearly mismanaged!

3)There is a very high crime rates!

4) This is pretty boring! There is very little to do! That's a fact!

5) This is very cliquish and rude. That ''Friendly Manitoba'' is a myth!

6) Downtown is very dumpy! Winnipeg is mainly in a poor and neglected state!

7) There is no LRT! The Winnipeg Transit is so ridiculous!

Hopefully one day this city will improve!

I forgot to mention that this city is full of nepotism!

You left out we love garbage strewn on our streets and back lanes. We expect dog shit on our sidewalks left by responsible owners who DON'T bag it then throw the bag in the bush. We only want to drink beer, yell and train dogs to bark.

WOW. The funniest thing about winnipegers is that many are delusional about how utterly horrendous this climate is. They think it's the same everywhere in Canada. It's not. There is nowhere colder, for more consecutive days, than here. Not by a long shot. But nice try. Maybe if you left shitty Manitoba you would realize this.

Well....I've noticed that renting an apartment in Winnipeg is EXTREMELY difficult. All these stupid landlords and rental companies want a letter from your employer, pay stubs, at least 2 rental references, you have to have been at your job for more than 6 months, your complete credit history, a deposit required with the application, and it takes 3 days to process your rental application.
.....and the apartments aren't even nice. They are dumps! Doesn't appear they want any out-of-towners moving in. This bullcrap sure turned me away! Man Winnipeg sucks!

 I agree with you 1000%! This city is a sad joke! What a dump!

I live in Winter-plague, and this place never fails to disappoint me. I WANT to like it here... I really do. Because I'm not some loser, I'm about to graduate University and my husband has 2 Doctoral degrees. We can make it here, easy, and give us 10 years and boy after we know everyone, life becomes gravy.

But FUCK MAN, is it worth it to be stuck rubbing elbows with these self-proclaimed "friendly" hypocrites for the next few decades of my life?? Everyone here is completely shut down to anyone they didn't grow up with. Making friends here, no matter how many popular Winnipeg names you drop, is impossible. There are no play-dates, no afternoon drinks with the girls, no surfing the scene downtown (yuck by the way), there's NO LIFE if you didn't grow up here. You could be a millionaire... there are lonely saps that come out of their lonely homes each spring driving their Ferrari's the 3 Kilometres from work to home just to get noticed and all anyone does is avoid looking at them at the red lights, and god knows how long they've lived here.

You have to be a total shut-in to live here, because summers aren't long enough to actually DO anything with any property you buy. The attractions here get old... FAST. I've only been to the forks 4 times and I've almost memorized the entire blue prints and each store. Same goes for Osbourne Village, Polo Park and pretty much every park in town. You park your car, and shut your brain off before you get out to avoid feeling sick from the repetition of doing the same thing over and over again.

Winter.... ugh, winter. And the COPS... NEVER IN MY LIFE have I seen a police officer stop people by walking out into coming traffic on Bishop Grandin and standing there like they want to be road kill! Are you kidding me? That's how i got my first ticket here, and I just wanted to say "Are you an idiot, or something? Is issuing a speeding ticket really worth risking your life, or putting me in prison?" Just stupid.

Customer Service is shit across the board here, but i'm not sure if that's all of Canada or just Manitoba.

Downtown is plain old Scary. My mom is visiting in a week and i can't even take her downtown, because i'm too embarrassed to tell her "hold onto your purse and don't make eye contact".

And the Mosquitos... they're just bad. Really, really bad. Bad enough to make you spend that precious day in the mid 80's after 7 months of bitter cold inside, exhausted of itching and being assaulted by the buzzing little beasties.

And I don't drink, so that erases about 85% of the activities Winnipegers apparently do with their spare time.

The Bombers are just terrible. Of course the irony in their name... the bombers that bomb every game.. is not lost on my husband and I.

I could go on and on and on. Don't move to the peg. It's horrible.

 Your infrastructure sucks. Your city planners suck. Your roads are poorly built and 60 years ago they should have built a bipass and evacuated it.

Canada is rapidly declining economically, it's not just Winnipeg. I believe Canada has now slipped to 14th place in the world in terms of living standards from second forty years ago. All one has to do is drive a few hours south to see how this county is really falling behind and the U.S. has struggled too! The prices here are astronomical and with the low wages and very high taxes, especially sales taxes, which really hurt the middle income earners and the poor, living standards are becoming more difficult to maintain, and for the most part have been subsidized only by cheap credit.

Recently a presidential candidate in the U.S. acknowledged that "real" unemployment in that country is 18% to 20%, triple the official rate. This must also be true for Canada. Time to increase immigration and bring in more TFWs! Great policy! Let's all work for minimum wage (or less, because people are too scared to complain) with no overtime, benefits or holidays! Believe it or not, even the NDP, a supposedly social-democratic party advocates this! 

So people, instead of blaming all your woes on Winnipeg, think again. I agree the winters suck, but they do just about everywhere in Canada! I think they are worse in the East, despite being somewhat milder!

 Look at what is happening in downtowns across the country: Beautiful condo towers and office buildings are rising in Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Vancouver. They are vibrant, with people and great restaurants and shopping...downtown Winnipeg still looks the way it did decades ago. Winnipeg is a shithole, and it will be stuck in the 70s forever.

I go to Ottawa once a year and there is a lot happening there. Not Calgary level but I see condos (low rise and high rise) being built in a number of areas in and surrounding downtown. Winnipeg is a depressing city. I am an urban dweller, and will move from Winnipeg soon. Lone Wolf, maybe you do not know Winnipeg because all around downtown is run down. Use the boundaries Main, Logan, Sherbrook and Portage and you will see run down houses, industrial wasteland, empty lots, decrepit storefronts. This area needs billions in investment.

So many parts of Winnipeg not only downtown look abandoned. Since downtown is the heart of the city, it is crucial to redevelop it. One stretch that needs investment is Princess from Logan to Notre Dame. So many derelict buildings need cleaning and conversion. With the expansion of the Museum of Man and Nature, what a perfect time to redevelop the McLaren and fill in more lots around the area. Sadly no developer seems to have vision. Winnipeg will always be the butthole of Canada while it is left in the dust by other cities. Sad.

Social agencies; public money; no private investment; no life on the street other than drunk aboriginals staggering around

I've been here for 8 years now the people are the meanest on this planet & boy when you get in the roads it like they purposely try and kill you no respect. Why does the licence plate say "Friendly Manitoba" when the people hear don't even know the meaning of the word. Instead they should replace that slogan with ""Muderous Manitoba" at least that would be the truth

Don't get me started on how useless most of the instructors and directors are at Red River college. DON'T waste your money. If there is one thing I've learnt, it's not what you know it's who you know with that college.

Take your money to another province and stay there, Winnipeg sucks

 This city is full of garbage. Go under the MidTown bridge and see the amount of crap down there. But be careful not to wake the person living under there.

Manitoba and Winnipeg are backward and unfriendly. Thank you but no thank you.

I did time there for a few years, and yes, that is how it felt. People are unfriendly, narrow, mean, and openly racist. Worst six years of my life. They are not used to 'outsiders' and why would they be? Who in their right mind would willingly move there?

I like your comment and I agree with you 10000%! The place is just a real nightmare! I'm so surprised how unfriendly and narrow mind this place is!

Winnipeg is a horrible city to live in.Our transit system is ridiculous.I can't count how many times I've been waiting for a bus,only to have one cruise right on by because it's completely packed full.Rapid transit,my ass.

I can count on one hand how often I've had a bus arrive on time,no joke!.And the people are stuck up and selfish.I can't wait until I'm in a position to move!.

 This will be a great day when the Winnipeggers will stop to be unrealistic about their city! Winnipeg is not great! It's a miserable and backward place!

Still a boring and dangerous dumpy place !

Say whatever you want, kiddo ! It doesn't change the fact that Winnipeg is a dumpy, backward and miserable has been city ! A real nightmare !

I put my time in Winnipeg for 8 long years . The infrastructure in Winnipeg is 30 years behind. Traffic lights still work off of timers, there are no timed lights. Railroad tracks run throughout the center of the city with no underpasses . It's impossible to get anywhere quickly. The so call savior called the Perimeter runs so far away from the core of the city that it's only use is for people trying to avoid the city altogether. The boulevards are unkempt and ugly and the roads are either in disrepair or are always being repaired for literally months. The weather is what it is and there is nothing that will change that. What can be changed never changes. It's a shame because I heard that at one time years back Winnipeg was supposed to be one of the most forward and modern thinking cities. It's now considered the biggest hick town in Canada. Whatever politicians that have been in power have made a mess out of a city full of good well intentioned people and potential. I would assume they don't even reside there anymore themselves after making such a mess of things. I'll never move back. I've been to too many other places and I have the insight to compare. I don't mean to be negative. I just find it sad that such a forward city is now so backwards and unattractive.

So how do these crooks that pillaged a potentially good place get away with This? Is Manitoba amnesty island for politicians? There is a difference between being friendly Manitoba and push overs I hope. Katz was a crook. He declared real estate as his primary residence down south even as he was a Mayor in Winnipeg. So what's up with that? Higher Taxes to pay for his lawyers?


"There are many places way worse than Winnipeg. There are better places than Winnipeg."

you forgot to add the "many" in "better places". there are MANY better places than winnipeg. i find it hilarious that you have to compare winnipeg to a god damn third world country in terms of living. a first grader would obviously know whats a better place to live, try comparing winnipeg to other cities in canada, where its one of the worst cities to live in.

 One word MURDER CAPITAL. Fact. Oscar_the_grouch's advice is...use common sense and avoid winnipeg, take the perimiter when travelling past the city. oh yah.

Please.... Winnipeg is the shithole of Canada and everyone knows this.

winnipeg is a small shithole city,the north end is all about murder,winter's are long and cold -40ish to -50ish...I can go on and

i lived in winnipeg till i got a job in calgary and moved about a year and a half ago, the last year has been pretty much the best year of my life. I feel sad for the people who are to stupid to leave winnipeg. Please leave there, you will thank yourself for leaving every day like i do.

I F ing hate this city, will move as soon as possible. Can't because I own a business. Its boring and has the most depressing negative vibe. I was just in Mexico (a third world country) and felt safer, the infrastructure was in better shape, and people friendlier. All trip over a drunk bum daily and just want to kick them in the face. The NDP government is a joke, wants a construction labourer to get paid $21/hr. Double what a broom pusher gets paid in other cities. Terrible drivers, rude people with no drive. I could go on and on. If you can leave run, don't look back. Most people born here just don't realize how much better any other city in Canada is. RUN, GO, RUN.

Winnipeg is a hell hole. Those that like it should be working oon the next propaganada " Why we love Winnipeg" program. I have never met so many a-holes in my life like here and the drivers are idiots.

winnipeg is like a disease, it sucks but you just cant seem to shake it. "the devil you know" is an apt phrase.

Winnipeg sucks cause behind calgary it is the most RACIEST province in canada. If your of colour or native, your in trouble. The justice system favers the white and punishes that nonwhite. I guess its easier to faver those who look like you and vilify those who dont. I am a person of colour and I grew up in winnipeg. My friends told me it was like this but stupid me said No! No!. Over the past few years I now see the truth about this hole. Winnipeg and calgary are canadas version of the U.S south. The only difference is in the south tey tell you to your face and here it's hidden.

Bottom line, winnipeg is a shithole and should be wiped clean from the ass of the planet, manitoba

Winnipeg is the intestines of Canada.

Anyone that likes Winnipeg needs to get a mental assessment. Seriously this place is a big time toilet. I have never met so many a-holes, bad drivers and walking zombies in my life. Any time I leave the city I am reminded what normal people are like. Idiots still chant " Go Jets GO" how pathetic and the roads. Stop with the propaganda as well like " Spirited Energy" what kind of BS is that. Why in the world do I need to be told why I need to like a place. Oh yeah Manitoba Home coming major event " Biggest Social" This place is a bad joke as soon as I can I am outta here and won't miss the a-holes and anything about this hell hole.

Well here is the interesting point you brought up. They made the public believe that because of the cold the roads are bad here yet you go to Grand Forks and the roads are excellent. So much for the typical Winnipeg brainwash BS, The roads are bad because you have people in power who don't care they just want there pay checks. I worked in the city and know this to be true. This city is a toilet. Oh yeah come here in the Winter so many lazy a-holes don't shovel there side walks. One Great city my ass. This place is a bad joke.

Winnipeg is a shithole. It is a city filled with low wage ignorant, scared low-mid level bureaucrat types. As well as a healthy dose of non-english speaking immigrants to clean their houses and wash laundry. There are no new buildings in Winnipeg everything is old and falling apart. Anyone with a brain gets the hell out and never goes back. All thats left is losers to stupid or too scared to leave.

Hahahahaha... So the '50 year' rainstorm has forced boil water advisories across Winnipeg. How fitting as Winnipeg is Canadas very own Third World city.. So as the "100 year flood" seems to be happening every 10 years or so now.. I guess we can expect a "50 year rainstorm" every couple of weeks then? LMAO... 

Now that the arctic winter is over.. The big pile of dust and muck and slop that is spring is well underway in Canadas Third World Metropolis. They can now look forward to a malaria epidemic this summer with all the still water from the rains breeding deadly mosquito hordes......lololol...  

Oh wait.. they can battle that by pumping millions of gallons of cancer causing insecticide into the lungs of all the citizens and especially the children to prevent it.. maybe.. But at the least It adds to the toxic cocktail leftover in the water table from the floods.. mmm mmmmm good! 

And people wonder why its so cheap to live in Canadas very own Third World Metropolis.

 Winnipeg lacks class and culture it tries to pretend it is a real city but it is a toilet. World Cup is on and most cities have cultural events here the big story is the all you can eat Buffet.
Spend some time in any other major city in Canada and you will come to learn how classless and how many redneck morons live in Winnipeg. 

I am amazed how many walking zombies live here. I have never met so many dumb ignorant people as here the only people that I have met who have any ability to hold a conversation are not from Winnipeg originally. 

Look at the foreigners wives eyes they are sad because they despise this place and wish to go back to a normal place.

Winnipeg sucks with or without a NHL team. Can't wait to get out of this toilet.

 Winnipeg is the worst city in Canada! and yes, before you tell me to leave...that is what I am going to do. Winnipeg has nothing to offer. it is rude, negative and very unfriendly.

The number one past time in Winterpig Murdertoba is petty gossip. No one with half a brain stays there unless they were born there. I've been stuck in this hole so long...thank God I can afford to move VERY SOON HALLA F'n LUJAH!!!!!!!!!! Get me the f outta here!!!!!! Even traveling kids and sq bums say people are rude and snoopy ...and there's too much crime and the locals rip off like mad

Yup This play is creepy as well. I have never met so many weirdos in my life as I have here. Most people look and walk like zombies. There are good people but oddly enough they were not born here. I agree firecracker I have never met so many rude and snoopy people in my life as here. Plus the energy here is messed up I know people who moved here and there wives started to lose there minds and in order to save the marriages they had to move right away because they knew this place is bizarre. It also seems like when people come travel here they get robbed how many times have you read int he paper that someone from X was visiting and got robbed and these are the ones they are willing to type about. I wonder what kind of propaganda BS "I love Winnipeg" campaign they will come up with next. The politicians here are greasy and dirty. Look at the mayor he is a bad joke.

Winnipeg is evil. The vibe here is bizarre and twisted. I have never met so many people who are alcaholics, needing any reason to drink or so many people on anti-depressents. 
I know of people who moved here from other cities and within a couple of years the wife starts to go bananas.

She knows this is place is messed up that is why so many get drunk here whenever they can it is the only way they can stand this place. It is a toilet.

 Yeah great mayor who is running for relection lol

Wow...busy weekend for the Peg....
* Man shot on Main Street in Winnipeg
* Human head found in water at The Forks
* Shots fired near downtown Winnipeg
* 3 men stabbed in Winnipeg

 Winnipeg is the detroit of Canada. They have a moron of a mayor who just looks after his buddies while the toilet keeps getting bigger.
Oh yeah gotta love the mosquitos.
One Great city all right. lol
Can't wait to get out of this ring of hell you have to be crazy to think this is "One Great city".
Or your drunk like most Peggers like to get.

 Murder capital, car theft capital, poverty capital, etc. Yes - Winnipeg is the assh*le of Canada and to all those Peggers who's comebacks are "if you don't like it then leave", maybe you should try leaving the suburbs and see what's really going down. The crime is spreading and soon enough it will be at your front door, then maybe you will shut the f*ck up and admit the problems are real! Your chances of being knifed are pretty damb high, or worse yet having your loved one killed by a stolen speeding car! You can't go downtown, to the north end the Detroit of Canada, the west end with it's shotgun wielding thugs, trashcona the druggy neighborhood, and the list keeps growing. The city is filthy and there are tons of racists of every ethnicity here. Hick city!

Winnipeg is Canada's Bogan (google it) Capital. Bogan sums it all up and says it all about this city!

Yup Winnipeg Sucks the life out of most people that is why so many people eat and drink so much it is to hide the feelings of emptiness. So many morons live here amazing.

I'm shocked! Winnipeg has 'everything' going for it; the list is too long to post but I'll start with:

(1) Robins at the corner of Selkirk and Salter; great place to enjoy a coffee and watch degenerates roaming the street and hitting up on teen prostitutes.

(2) the cross walk immediately south of Thunderbird House on Main Street; great place to watch bulbous-nosed degenerates roaming the streets, bumping off walls, looking to hit up someone / anyone for some change....

(3) the 'hood' bounded by King, Dufferin, Flora and Robinson; great place to get murdered, beaten, robbed, propositioned, yelled at, shot at, etc. City Bread at King and Dufferin makes the best honey Bran, rye and pumpernickle bread on the entire planet. Don't be in that area after dark.

(4) need to score some [insert most favourite drug]; go to Portage Place or the streets surrounding it. There you will find a good mix of drug dealers, degenerates, beggars, and those morons who wear a 2-sizes-too-small baseball cap sideways on their head (what is the purpose of that - they look so f'in stupid words escape the feeling that rages through me when I see one of those morons.....

(5) someone please continue, I'm going to lose it thinking about the morons who wear a 2-sizes-too-small baseball cap sideways on their head. I need to step outside and scream.......

 I recently visited Winnipeg and left with one really troubling question, what do you citizens do for leisure?

I mean you have virtually no natural beauty. The lakes in Whiteshell are beautiful, but again, what about Winnipeg?

All the aforementioned cities have violence, true, but you still have to wake up in Winnipeg.
It's an absolutely terrible city and I really feel sorry for the people who live there. What an absolute waste of a life.

If I was retarded...and raised on a farm.. Winnipeg would still be a hole

Eh Rita, shut the f*ck up! No one cares about your annual income or your "hard" life, we all have a load to carry! Not everyone has a job like yours so what's your point? That somehow with a high income we can move to the suburbs and ignore the crime spilling out of the North and West end? Go take a walk in other neighborhoods on your next coffee break, preferably Selkirk & Redwood - if you don't get your "high-end" ass kicked then maybe you've got a point. Until then just keep hiding in your false sense of security. And my points were valid - crime capital, poverty capital, car theft capital - ALL FACTS! Your comebacks are weak, are you an Asper by any chance? Living in a f*cken bubble are we?

There isn't really a "high end" in Winnipeg. It's a low-income city in a have-not province chock-full of social problems.

Kevin, there are those of us "living" here who are trying to escape. A few good restaurants, a pathetic zoo with one animal, and some good music do not cancel out the auto theft and the crappy weather that makes Winnipeg into the laughingstock of North America. The winter makes people bitter, reclusive and nasty. During the tiny window between the winter and the onslaught of cankerworms and mosquitoes as big as my elbow, people are actually pleasant. Then the poison-spraying starts.

There's a reason that the refrain in that famous song is "I HATE WINNIPEG." Not "I LOVE PARIS IN THE SPRINGTIME." Not "I LEFT MY HEART IN SAN FRANCISCO." Lolol.

 Prison life would be easier than Winnipeg life..

Not it isn't Canada at all. I lived in Toronto, my friend from Winnipeg suggested to come and live here, just to try it out, because it is "cheap". I had no choice due to financial situation I have been living in Peg for 5 years now. Guess what, I am leaving in 4 months. No way will I ever go back to this disgusting, stupid, backwards shithole city. This city is thriving on nepotism where if you know someone, you get the job, regardless of your skills or experience. Winnipeg is one big Mennonite family with rich pockets. It is a closed circle of society here, someone wrote about socials, it's a big thing here. God knows why you want to wonder to someone else's socials all the time. Also, it's not even as cheap here anymore. It's almost getting close to Toronto. My brother leaves in downtown Toronto and he pays 1200 in rent. Compare it to a 1100 bucks 1 bedroom in downtown Winnipeg, a nice apartment though. I came here 5 years ago, 2 bedroom was 600 bucks in a great area, now it is 1000!!!! What? For this price, I'd go back to Toronto, and don't tell me it's cheap here because it ain't!

The only thing that is cheaper here is probably university, and even that is rising exponentially. The only thing winnipegers seem to brag about is that there is a lot of restaurants here. And ????? Guess what assholes, there are restaurants all over the world. Many of them. Why Winnipeg is so special? It isn't! I am glad I will be leaving this stupid inbred city, the only thing good about this city was the fact that it taught me how to avoid potholes and crackheads. If you don't know what I am talking about, try catching a bus after 5-6 pm in downtown. shitholepeg.

 I work for manitoba tourism so don't worry I will tell you the truth about how great this city and province are. Don't worry no crime, poverty, corrupt officials, pot hole ridden streets, sewers that are rotting, 6 months of cold winters, filth all through the streets, mosquitos or a downtown that is cull of addicts but hey I will continue to tell you the truth on how great Manitoba is.

I enjoyed reading your white trash comment, made me laugh. Butr in all seriousess. Winnipeg i and always will be a hole... the wprst place I have ever been by far and I have been travelling around the worls fro the past 10 years.. If someone held a gun to my head and said I either had to stay in Winnipeg or die.. I wouldn't be staying in Winnipeg.. Fuck me anyone that has to live there deserfves a medal.. Go to Austrllia and you will soon realize what a sad boring and pahetic life living in Winnipeg really is. Shame really coz there's great people living there.

I was born and raised in this fair city,,,,I left it for 18 years and came back thinking it had changed,,,,oooooo was I ever wrong! The city itself can't control the weather, the geography, or the humans who inhabit it, those are part of every city's nature, neither good nor bad. What's wrong with Winnipeg is the people who inhabit this location on the globe. Hatred and ill will is a common theme, and pleasure seems to only be derived from the diminishment of other human beings, cities, cultures and structures anywhere on earth, including this city's. I got back here 20 months ago with great dreams of properly using investor's $ to build and prosper a business, but within 30 days of arrival I'd learned how blind I'd been to the reality of life here, not one person has answered my question of why a human being should consider Winnipeg as a city of potential happy human life on earth, not one! I'm near bankrupt because I refuse to invest $1 of another person's money in this city!!! I am very convinced that the second holocaust will begin here and the best investment would be in a Zyclon-C factory. If one isn't white, related to a Winnipegger, blue-collar, and heterosexual,,,,you are a target for the aryan hatred that this city thrives on. Left wing and right wing politics work the same here,,,hatred thrives on hatred.

If plans work out, I should be out of here by December,,,,should it appear I would have to remain in Winnipeg for the next 20 years, I'd certainly think of suicide as a viable alternative. 

Again,,,I've only been asking Winnipeggers themselves about the city,,,,if you don't live here or have never lived here, your comments are based on ignorance.

 I'm afraid I have to disagree with you, Rita. I moved away more than a year ago and I have yet to say to myself I don't like where I live. While the transition has been uphill at times, I don't find myself walking down the street constantly reaffirming how much I hate the city I live in like I used to in Winnipeg. I knew once I left that place, that yes, I would be happier and I am. Why? Because I'm not constantly encountering lugans and animals, there is a great sense of community and pride where I live, it's safe to walk down the streets after dark, there are parks with functioning water fountains, REAL bicycle lanes, REAL rapid transit in the form of a modern subway system that I won't have to wait 20+ years to use, affordable food and housing, beautiful women, great architecture, fewer pickup trucks, people with class and manners, warmer winter temps, and the list goes on. Winnipeg is the opposite of all those things, so yes, moving somewhere else CAN make one happier.

Winnipeg sucks is the truth, but what does it mean to suck in Winnipeg. 
To suck here means: 

1) Monopolizing half the businesses between 5 different local crap to work for companies, so if you don't like one place, working at another means still working for the same jackass... that sucks ! 

2) Prairie farmer architecture with a mix of extreme right wing fascist designs, definitely sucks and is most of Winnipeg. Ex the kid playground at the Forks is a perfect example of police state prairie farmer architecture, in a small space which is a bunch of tepees and crap there are 28 omni cams of big brothers, teaching your children that being watch ever step is normal. THAT SUCKS !!! 

3) The weather -40 c to +40 c and then there is the flooding rains, no spring, no fall, just damn clod to damn hot. That sucks ! 

4) Winnipeggers are so uneducated that they think higher learning was a movie only ! Trying to have an intelligent conversation is out... That sucks !!! 

5) Inbreeding... That sucks !!!  

6) Cheap people looking for a deal, what is this a Vietnam market... try to get paid what you are worth and boss becomes a haggling old Chinese women looking for the best price on rice. That sucks !!! 

7) Streets are falling apart, that sucks ! 

8) Rapid Transit is a monkey peddling a bus down the street, not rapid, that sucks !!! 
9) Nah-dere boy... anywayz !!! That sucks !!!! 

10) Entertainment is going up garbage hill drinking a beer and rolling down, weeeee... that sucks !!!! All-in-all Winnipeg sucks !

 City of inbreds

 Winnipeg is a dump get over it!

If Vancouver is the head and Halifax is the toe then that
makes Winnipeg the ass ho.
Rampant gang violence is the norm.
Home of the barricade creep.
City of tiny ass hoes

 Vancouver isn't the head of anything, more like a festering tumour. It's a foreign city on Canadian soil. Most people are poor and young people have standards of living equivalent to those in Mexico and face a grim future of struggling to find a roommate to share a 1 bedroom apartment.

The Peg is an armpit

Winnipeg is what happens when cousins marry and have kids.

Lived here all my life. Yes indeed winnipeg should be called SHITHOLEPEG!

Take a good look ! This city is a dump ! What a joke !

Yes Winnipeg sucks! Winnipeg is a dump! Open your eyes!


I have lived all over canada and I have been here 6 months and I have never seen a bigger shithole than Winnipeg in my entire life. The only good thing about winnipeg is that it is cheap.

The winters are brutal, the summers are hot, muggy and invested with mosquitos. Most people who visit this city for the first time remark how ugly,dirty, and run down it is.
The vast majority of people who love it here grew up here and do not know any better. Simply put this city is a cess pool of shit, piss, and vomit. New people have fun- Ha Ha Ha

Winnipeg has some very notable qualities: Rudness, snoopiness, and boorishness. Cheers Winterpeg!

If you weren't born here or haven't gone to kindergarten with the other bullies and morons you won't fit in here. No wonder there are so many gangs! They have a gang mentality. You can't be individual here, you can in Calgary though. Racism is rampant, on the other hand, political correctness is rampant too! What a s*** hole!!!

I'm 17 years old and I have grown up in this shit hole called Winnipeg. I still live there though and I hate every goddamn minute of it!

The only people who like it here are people over 50, farmers or people with no lives who actually like doing the same thing every day! living here is like being stuck in the movie Ground hog day when the guy repeats the same day over and over again. Teenagers, young single people and couples will not like it here at all! there is nothing to do and it sucks.
Now I know Rachel or some other ass hole is going to post something like "You shouldn't say that" but try living here for more then oh say, 6 months to a year then we will see what you think! do say a thing until you know what it's like to live here!

 It is the sh*t hole of Canada. The only ones who don't agree are redneck, slob, ignorant, rude, farting, belching, sneaky, mean, trecherous people who were born here and probably will stay in this hole all their miserable lives.

Speaking of people paid by taxpayers money -- yes, this is a wicked city. What surprises me is that it took so long for Winnipeg's finest to finally off some poor bugger with a tazer -- finally happened yesterday. Cops are creeps in Winterpeg, beating poor youth, scruffy people, and ignoring real dirt bags -- drug dealers. What heros. I wonder if cops get free coffee from merchants in Osborne village for their cowardly and brutal action!

Why are the people in Winnipeg so ignorant and rude? It seems like the pastime here is staring and gawking at others. It reminds me of that movie,'Night of the Living Dead'..creepy man! When people are so unfriendly they don't talk to strangers but yet stare and gawk..especially I notice they stare at immigrants and mentally challenged persons or anyone even a little different. I feel sorry for people who have to face that crap from these morons in Winterpig. How unclutured and offensive, yet know one thinks anything of it... They should all take a Dale Carnegie course to learn to act like human beings with respect and manners. Did you notice the spit all over the bus shelter windows? I just hope the *ssholes here don't move to my hometown of Calgary! Thank God I am only here temporarily!

i'm not joking winnipeg is like that, they call it 'people watching' I call it "if I had a gun, we'd have a little run and fun. I knew i wasn't imagining that bull shit, we should be cow-town on account of all the stinking bull shit see

I ended up in winnipeg for university, and winnipegers made me hate their town. If you are not a boy from the neighborghood, good luck! The last time any winnpeger has probably made a new friend (and I mean FRIEND) has been perhaps high school. Outsiders who were not born and bred in winnipeg will never make their way into a circle of winnipegers. I work with a bunch of supposedly professioanl winnipegers: they have zero social skills in attracting an outsider and making them feel at home (in thier new home in winnipeg). If you are more successful than a winnipeger in a similar job, they will hate you for that. And they have no shame in showing thier jelousy. Yet, they think we non-Manitobans are too dull to get it! I tried so hard for 2-3 years to make myself fit in amongst my winnipeger coworkers, and alas any luck. I have therefore given up on them. I am counting down the days of my calender, looking forward to the day that I will be leaving winnipeg for ever. And to cherrish themselves, they claim people like me leave winnipeg because of their cold weather. I leave winnipeg because of its cold, self-centered, jelous people. I will never return and will never look behind. The "friendly Manitoba" on their licence plates is a joke!!. Or maybe they mean they are freindly to their manitoban palls!

In my profession I have worked with many people across the country: my winnipeger colleagues are amongst the least knowledgeable ones, and yet they have not insight to it. They think they are the best in the country. Therefore, never even try to improve their pathetic status. For the same reason,, they hate successful non-Manitobans who may stirr some competition in their GREAT HOME TOWN. Maybe they have poor social manners deliberately to repel their better colleagues. 

You want to learn about winnipegers, just observe thier driving attitude: very rude and inconsiderate of anybody else on the road. If you need to change a lane, you need to wait until cows come back home, because no other driver will ever have the courtesy. I can no longer count how many winnipegr drivers have waved at me their middle finger when I was driving cautiosly on their icy winter roads to avoid any accident. This has never happened to me in any other town in Canada for a driver to show me his/her middle finger!(so much for thier culture).


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  1. Originally from Winnipeg, and am also part First Nations, and can trace my roots back 8,000 years in the Red River. However, Winnipegers are so racist that I was taught that the best thing to do is to deny my Native heritage as the "only good Indian is a dead Indian." Winnipegers say some of the nastiest, most racist things against the Indigenous in the entire country. It's socially acceptable. Now in Vancouver, which is a cesspool of corruption too, however, the people I know from Winnipeg are some of the greediest and most selfish people I have ever met. At one time Winnipeg was very cultured, for example, the Royal Winnipeg Ballet was and is amazing--but I don't know, maybe all that spraying for mosquitoes and all the glyphosate being sprayed on the farms is getting to people. I mean, think about all the chemicals you are being exposed to regularly if you live in Winnipeg. It's very sad.

  2. Moving second comment to Toronto page. Feel free to add more thoughts!


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