Highway of Tears

This is a CBS piece on the missing women from the "Highway of Tears" (Highway 16) in British Columbia. In 40 years authorities have only solved a handful of murders. Although it's tempting to picture a lone diabolical killer, in all practical reality there are likely multiple serial killers at work. The police list the number of official cases at just under 20 victims, but advocate groups say it's double that number or more.

More fun in British Columbia. I've lived in northern BC and it is a hell hole full of pedophiles, rapists, hill billies and other 'general weirdos' - to put it generously. (Oh, and Mennonites.)

I've been on this highway plenty of times, and once got a ride with a trucker who I could've sworn was one of the killers (I say that based on his general demeanor and the way he talked about missing women). Nothing, and I mean nothing about the North or this shit hole country would surprise me any more.

For all the moaning and gasping about "dangerous America", you'll note that most crime, and violent crime at that - happens in Canada's smallest cities and communities. I'll blog on that topic shortly.


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