Do Canadians hate Canada?

A selection of comments from Canadians who hate Canada ...

I seriously hate everything about the god-forsaken place. Its crappy American-wannabe stores, its garage sale-like "businesses". Do you ever wish you were not here.

It's not necessarily that, [R10], we pay much more in taxes, both sales and income, so that should cover living wages, universal health care, etc. A lot of prices are still based on the assumption that the US Dollar is worth more than the Canadian one, even by 30% or so, which hasn't been the case in years. Most Canadians are too sheepish as consumers to raise a stink about it but, in the last few years, my partner and I have started telling salespeople that if they are going to charge us that much for an electronics item or a new mattress, we are just going to drive over to Buffalo and buy it there since it would cost less even with customs duties included. You'd be surprised how quickly they change the tune and discounts appear out of thin air. It's just that the stores are counting on people paying whatever the price tag is without doing any comparison to the prices of same items in the States.

I wouldn't live there if you offered me free rent. I like sunshine, and warm beaches.

I don't hate it, but recently I have become impatient with it. Canadians can be openly miserly, cheap with waitstaff etc, which is evidence of a provincialism they seem desperate to cover, and fail at every time. Toronto especially has an inferiority complex that is truly crippling. The PCness of Canadian culture, while well-intentioned, coexists with a censorious, controlling politesse that can be really tedious. I liked it better when it was a bit of a hinterland. Now that media has gone global, that dorky backwoods charm is gone. As a result, there is no charm.

Totally agree, OP. I hate it, the whole country. Would love to get out of here.

Canada is a dull boring place. I lived there for 5 years and am so happy to be out of there. I can't imagine I will ever set foot in the place again. And don't get me started on the weather.

The taxes are extremely high.
The cost of housing is outrageous. Canada has one of the most inflated housing markets in the world.
Infrastructure (roads, public facilities) is subpar compared to the States.
As a previous poster mentioned, the PC politesse can be stifling.
The cost of consumer goods is much higher than in the States despite parity with the US dollar.
As a Canadian, I would definitely consider relocating to a northern blue state like Minnesota, Wisconsin, Maine, Washington, etc. if I could get a similar paying job.

I have lived in different places all over Canada. I preferd mostly the small towns that I lived in.

I lived in Toronto for sometime and I hate how thh city tries so hard to be American like. And also about 90% of Canadians are fake. Forget that "politeness" thing, it's all fake. Trust!

"The cost of housing is outrageous. Canada has one of the most inflated housing markets in the world."
This is true.
"And also about 90% of Canadians are fake"
This is true, too. It's really hard if you are one of the 10% that is not fake.

They DO have an inferiority complex. Especially the people who live in Ontario, Alberta and BC (i.e. Toronto, Calgary, Vancouver). They have no idea how they sound.

We pay a relatively high cost in taxes relative to services in the US.

To refute some of [R28]'s claims:

The Conference Board of Canada last week released a report highlighting the earnings dilemma. The report gives Canada a “C” on income per capita, compared to a U.S. “B” grade. That is, our income per capita is $36,138; it’s $43,025 south of the border — a difference of nearly $7,000. ____________________

Last year, a survey by Bank of Montreal on consumer goods found that domestic retail prices are about 14 per cent higher than those in the U.S.

The report pointed to some wide price gaps [particularly] in the auto industry. A car buyer in Oshawa could be at a dealership within walking distance of the factory where the Chevrolet Camaro was assembled and face a list price almost $5,000 greater than the list price of the Camaro in Hawaii.

Overall, price disparities are pinching retailers in this country. After Ottawa loosened its duty-free rules last June, Canadians began to flock across the border in record numbers: Overnight travel to the United States hit 950,000 in September, the highest number since Statistics Canada began record-keeping in 1972.

Um, [R27], Basketball was invented in Springfield, Massachusetts. I don't know where you got the idea that basketball was Canadian.

However, I do acknowledge that the inventor was Canadian-American.

I would argue that any difference in income for Canadian families is lost in the wash with the significantly higher cost of consumer goods and insane housing prices in Canada.

For the record - I do like living in Canada, but I dislike the sanctimony and superiorness of some Canadians (especially when comparing themselves to Americans). Our country has its share of problems however different than those in the States.

Left Canada 15 years ago... moved back about 4 years ago, and realized that I didn't really like Canadians much any more. The anti-American sentiment got old really fast - Canadians LOVE to complain about the U.S. - they define themselves as NOT American... Not really much of an identity...

And the supposed pro-Gay Canadians are only that way as long as they don't actually see any actual Gay people doing things horrifying like holding hands... People are still gaybashed in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal... In fact, two brothers who beat the crap out of two Gay guys in Vancouver while they called them all kinds of homophobic slurs, were just found NOT guilty.

The cost of living is astronomical... Buying food can cost an arm and a leg...

The only plus I'll give to Canada is the health care - way better than the system in the US... But not enough to keep me there... Moved back to California after a year in Canada....

London Ontario is the anti-gay center of Canada. Their mayor Diane Haskall, fought against public space for gay events for years until she went down to work for the US Republican party. Their chief of police, Julian Fantino, used to conduct anti-gay witch hunts in the city. Northern London, around Ilderton, is the worst.

"Canadian shops" don't really exist. The stores in Canada are basically American stores. Same American stores. And all full of stuff made in China.

Canada's National Heath service is already over burdened and the highways and city infrastructures are crumbling.


Like the rest of the G7, they need to properly provide for the ones they already have.

Canada today is not the Canada of yesterday people loved so much.

Every time I see a Canadian home show like "Love It or List It" I'm reminded how ugly housing is in Toronto.

I don't think Americans think about Canada that much. But if you go on any Canadian website, you'll find that Canadians think quite a bit about Americans. And it's mostly negative stuff.

[R107] that's a laughable comment. If Canadians really didn't care about Americans' opinions, they wouldn't keep ripping off our culture. At least 75% of current Canadian "culture", whether it tv, film, music, fashion/style, new food ideas, slang speech is actually American. I have read plenty of hateful comments by Canadians but then when you look at their profiles they'll be filled with American culture.

Then there are the nice Canadians who either want to be American, or who have no problem admitting that their country rips off American ideas time and time again.

It's a dull, passionless country. Stable, boring, safe, sterile. Lacks an identity, lacks a soul.

Wannabe Americans and talentless Bieber and Drake are examples of "how amazing" Canada is...

[R120] if Canadians are so smart, why do they copy Americans so much? Why can't you guys come up with your own stuff? When you turn on a tv or listen to the radio, it's almost all American pop culture you see and hear.

I agree, [R122]
And Canada appears to be losing whatever charm or heart that it had.
The people are actually pretty cold and can be mean, too.

[R137] face it-Canadians are just fascinated with American culture and basically act like Americans. Most of them just don't admit it. You can stay mad, pressed and bothered all you like and try twisting it, but it's the truth and you know Canadians bend over for American culture time and time again.

[R149] is a typical Brit who doesn't know what he's talking about but has formed an opinion anyway.

You clearly don't know enough Canadians, or have not read enough Canadian posts online. Many of them try to proclaim how much better Canada is than the US. They're obsessed with that notion despite copying the US in almost every way possible.

im not a canadian but i have lived there a few years. and yes, definitely the us is by far a superior country to live in. for one thing, canada is way more racist than the usa, but there is so much denial about it, its like visiting a pervert uncle who is a pedophile and everyone knows it, but no one ever calls him on it. for another, canada is alike a parallel universe of america only its cheap (the quality of goods that is, since everything in canada is made in china), canadians dont know shit about good customer service, they are ignorant about the world in general and think everything they hear in the news about the world is actually the way things are. the majority of them have never been anywhere but still have a pompous self righteous attitude about themselves and their shithole short, canada is like a cheap made in china imitation of the usa. i dont even know why the us even bothers with canada, we should just invade and get it over with since "canada" is really just uncle sam's mini-me, but nowhere near as cool or bad ass.

When was the last time someone started a thread saying how fabulous the US is?

I think you've got it reversed. It's the Canadians who are obsessed with America. And they're quite bitter. They should be happy. They're like the lamprey eel that gets to ride along on the back of the Great White Shark.

Some Canuckians seem to think they know what America is like based solely on tv shows, movies and negative news. The ones who actually come here for shopping and vacation always love it.

In Canucka, most of the films, tv shows and music people are into come from the US and then the rest are Canuckian and British.

Canucka barely has a culture of its own yet they seem to think they're better than everyone else.

[R151] is correct about the racism and denial of it. People are especially racist towards Native Canadians & Asians. They're also very Classicist.

(143) You asked what American culture is besides hamburger meat and guns.

Last time I checked, Canada didn't create Abstract Expressionism, Jazz, Rock n Roll, Hip Hop, Rap. It didn't produce Emily Dickinson, Melville, Faulkner, Harper Lee. It didn't produce Martin Scorcese. It doesn't have the largest Art museum in the Western Hemisphere (the US does, its called the Met, dear.) Toronto is in no way shape or form comparable to NYC. Its very nice, but it is not on the level of a NY, Paris or Rome.

I used to like Canadians, but then I realized after listening to many of them that they truly believe that being Canadian makes them intrinsically superior to Americans, even if an American is smart, sensitive and liberal. Its bizarre and kind of pathetic.

When Canadians talk about culture, they often mention health insurance. While your social system is lovely, and I admire it very much and hope for the same here, I don't think of health insurance when I think of cultural output.

But its a wasted argument because I feel most Canadians like to say we have no culture... all the while listening to the music that originated in OUR country.

PS: MANY countries other than Canada have national Universal health coverage. You are not unique or special because of this.

Per 132, Canadians apparently "dominate" the US film/tv industry.
there are some seriously delusional people on this thread.

Yup. I lived in the US for many years but was forced to come back and I HATE it. If I never lived in the US I would never have known how good and easy life could be and how much nicer and more positive people are. In Canada, everyone is rooting for you to fail only so they don't look bad in comparison. I HAAAATE living here! The free health care is definitely NOT worth it. I wish I could get out but I'm stuck.

White Canadians are nice to other white Canadians. Non white Canadians like Natives or Blacks? Not so much.

Canada is so overrated.

Yeah, I hate Canada as a Canadian. Everyone's such a phony here. They put on a fake, Stepforder smile that makes you want to tear it off their faces. The services around here are shit. For example, the corporations make you pay double the amount to get at least a mediocre internet speed. But who could blame them? They're all bent down to submit to the system by chanting their 'Canada is the best country in the world' bullshit. The job market's depressing. The government's corrupt to the core, going in so far as much as lying to the 250,000 immigrants every year about the so-called 'job opportunities.' Free health care, my ass. The government squeeze money out of Canadians through extreme taxation and keep it for themselves instead of using it right for the public. I've had a friend who died right next to me from chest pain (turned out to be some kind of heart problem), and we were waiting for the doctor for about an hour. Why the fuck wasn't the hospital wasn't sued? I got no fucking clue. And now, since the government supposedly feels guilty for what they've done to the Natives and the handicapped people, they all get free scholarships and university education just for being Natives and handicapped. Fucking shit, right? Liberalism is the new Conservatism around here. Everything about Canada is shit, I tell you. It's S-H-I-T.

I'm Canadian and I HATE CANADA!!!!!!!

What an arrogant frozen shithole.

I'm from Toronto and was raised to hate Quebec but I realized very recently that although they can be annoying, they are the only culture we have.

Don't get me wrong, Quebec is a frozen shithole just like the rest of Canada but it's a more interesting shithole. Canada's a pile of crap but Quebec's crap has a little almond in it... a little extra something.

No wonder they wanted to separate. We're so fucking boring we gave them fantasies of separation. Would they have wanted to leave if they had been part of a far more culturally interesting country like the U.S? Probably not. They'd be like Lousianna today. But they're stuck with old grandpa Canada who wears sweatpants and goes to bed at 7p.m

I hate this fucking stepford wife country.

We're so dull, people want to leave lol.

Americans have their problems but they're fun people! Even their problems are more interesting than ours!

Man, I spent some time in Florida, California, Las Vegas, New York, I love it all.

There's an energy to the U.S that you don't find in Canada.

Canada has no soul. It's all about fake politeness but they're all secretly bitter and filled with hate and jealousy towards the U.S.

Canadians bash the U.S constantly. If you don't like Americans then get rid of American stores and products. What would Canada look like then? Like nothing and it's nothingness would be sucked into a black hole and disappear foever.

I've traveled all over the world and even poor countries have more personality and more culture than Canad'eh.

Canada defines itself by what it isn't (not American) instead of by what it is and that's because it's nothing at all.

Yes I do, I wish I was in the states every minute of every day

There is NO intellectual life in Canada. A little bit in Montreal, but that is it. It's just buy a house, get a big vehicle, eat, drink, smoke pot. You can't have an intellectual conversation and you can't have fun.

[R197] is correct. Boring people that worship money. Zero personality or sex appeal. No culture.

Sorry [R211] and [R212] but Canada has always been boring.

I know it has always been boring, but now it is aggressively stupid, crude and boring

Yes I hate Crapnada.

I hate a lot of things about it. I like the healthcare and safety nets for poor people. Other than that I'm not a fan.

Canada is a ugly, corrupt country where health care is inferior and yet, we pay 70% of our income into some kind of taxes. Justice is a global joke with the criminals from other countries running the borders to get into the country. The government doesn't even know how many illegals there are in the country..but they were quick to let in 500 Tamil Warriors..they have stocked the country with people born in revolution and raised in blood. Our leaders, one is a crook, one is a junkie.. what kind of choice is that come vote time? Right now Canada is in a dictatorship and the people are paying dearly for that. That is..the ones who are trapped here. Last year 1.8 million Canadians got out. The actual land mass is so beautiful..with a poisonous fungus living on it in Ottawa

This country is a fucking joke!!! Government steals from us so fucking immigrants can come here poor and get everything handed to them including near free stores of their choosing!! Fuck you Canada!!!!!!

I hate being a Canadian. I would gladly and without hesitation denounce my Canadian citizenship to get an American citizenship.

I loathe this country, always focusing on the US and their issues instead of fixing our own problems. The only people who would dare say they like Canada are either immigrants of someone who has never seen anything else. Disgusting, revolting country.

The Alberta mentality puts money before humanity. I really regret moving to Alberta and Canada as a whole. All it has got going for it is equal marriage rights and the chance of buying land for cheaper than in Europe. The mentality is cold, two faced and inhuman. Apparently the East coasters and Ontarians have a better mentality.I have lived in a few countries and Canada is one of my least favourite. I cannot wait to leave.


Last time I visited Canada(and the last time I will EVER visit Canada) the people (especially waitstaff) were terse and bitchy, the food was insipid,,poorly prepared and was expensive as hell. And they seemed to have a particular animus toward Americans despite the fact I don't think I was brash or offensive in any way.

I don't get why anyone would spend that much $$$ just to live in such a cold,gray,rainy,depressing environment.

I'll bet the suicide rates are high

[R253] is right Canadians have an irrational hatred for Americans.

they're insecure and bitter *shrugs*

how would you feel if almost every aspect of your culture came from another country? and that you only chased trends from said country?

Canuckians aren't creative or interesting enough to come up with their own ideas apparently.

It makes them feel better to try and insult the culture from which they take and borrow.

This is a stupid country..always has been and probably always will be... People are right, we pay more than our fair share for the "free" healthcare which now runs like an American insurance company....and you will wait... It is cold taxes are too high and most people save their money to get the hell out on a vacation... Way too expensive to live here...

I have always hated living in is too confining...there is no where good to move to. If you live in the us, you have a vast area to choose from. Canadians do not.. We are stuck in a hell hole and anybody that can get out we are left with those that don't pay taxes..because they have it easier than the taxpayer. Housing is way too overvalued and unaffordable..unless of course it is provided to you for free..( the non taxpayer). Everything is overpriced. It doesn't matter what government is in..they take care of themselves ..much like anywhere else...but you would think they would try harder here because they take a to. In taxes. Roads are crap and is nothing to be proud of..the country is embarrassing...

I wish we were just one country..US and could put a gate around Canada and keep all the welfare and all the prisoners here...that would put the country to good use...

Yeah [R264], but the US is still fun. I've been to New York, Las Vegas, Miami and Arizona many times and love it and just came back from visiting a friend in California and it was awesome. There's no awesome place in Canada. It's boring as hell most of the time.

Canada looks good on paper but actually living here is another story.

That's true, [R261], about how expensive it's become. I live on the frozen prairies, and we have some of the highest taxes (provincial and property), as well as some of the highest housing costs. I mean, there's no reason for it to be that expensive here - who the hell would want to live here?

It's funny a lot of people are just comparing Canada to America in this discussion. I've lived in both countries, they both suck. Canada for way different reasons, mostly the generally unaffordable living standards and the insane amount of bureaucracy. And the weather.... dear god the weather. Canada is what people thought Hell was before Dante's inferno. For the past five years every winter has been colder and longer than the last, I can't take it any more. If you want to leave check out Argentina or Costa Rica or Uruguay. Warm, friendly, cheap countries that are relatively easy to emigrate to. OH, and the Seychelles, if you're a dude. M2F ratio is unreal. ;)

Quotes from:



  1. Have you ever tried to get Canadians to try to fight to improve something? For example, fight for better schools, fight against the pesticides being dumped on their food--well, unless you want to bang your head repeatedly against a wall, don't ever try. The most typical response, "Oh yes, that needs to be fixed, but I'm too busy right now, if someone else wants to take this on I will gladly sign something." Canadians are always waiting for someone else to step up. Pathetic and lazy.

  2. Second comment has been moved to "Toronto Rants". Thanks for sharing.

  3. We should also talk about the entitlement Canadians have. So many times I have thrown baby showers for people/brought them soup when sick/brought cookies to new neighbours--they just look at you blankly, like, why are you doing something kind. Then they gobble it all up and don't even bother with a thank you. They rarely return the kindness. Or how about how Canadians believe there is NO corruption in their government. No, corruption happens in "third world countries"--even with evidence like SNC Lavalin or things like residential schools, Canadians still trust their government with a blind stupidity. "Canada is the best country." Or how about the shocking corruption of development companies that local municipalities allow to run wild with dark greed? Towers, towers, and more towers! Cut down trees, block the mountain views, drive out the poor--let's build more towers, let them sit empty and sell them to the Chinese, but it's "sustainable" to build towers, it's "environmental"--and how dare the average person expect to afford a home. I cannot believe this place. More and more and more development with no schools, no parks, no community centres. And yet the people sleep on, or they just become part of the corruption, gleefully. Where can you move to?

  4. Maybe you should start another site called "rude Canada." You could do a site contrasting manners in other countries with the deplorable behaviour that exists here. I am an Indigenous/Metis "Canadian" and the worst thing that has happened to me is learning the truth about my family's heritage. I can see why my grandma wanted to spare us knowing the truth. "The only good Indian is a dead Indian." Anyhoo, the lack of culture, I believe, is the root of the lack of manners. Culture determines worldview which shapes manners. Canadians, overall, only care about $$$$$$$$$. Selfish and entitled to their very core! And as pathetic as they come. Consider on Monday CBC did a piece on how RoundUP has been sprayed everywhere, and how it can cause cancer. Now, this was on the CBC. But does anyone care? Does anyone stand up to fight? Maybe a person or two here and there. Contrast with Europe where GMOs/glyphosate is simply banned. Anyway, start a section here called "rude Canadians" so we can submit our stories. That would be fun.

  5. I have been living in Canada for 3 years now and since the 3rd week of being in Toronto I hate it.people are rude, they act as if they all own their home or they are just too cool for you, really fascist and ignorant. The most rascist place was Toronto, what an ugly and shifty place, overpriced everything! Cow town (Calgary) is expensive, people are weird and not friendly or nice like they like to portrait themselves over and over in the news, events, etc. They fart anywhere doesn't care if you are standing right next to them, they burp in public too. The burocracy in all aspects, more than 6 months waiting for a work permit and still waiting, no help for the immigrant, not even with their citizens born outside the country they care. I just wanna go back home and talk shit about canada to any that ask me, if I had money I would leave tomorrow, I FUCKING HATE CANADIANS!!! BUNCH OF WANNABES.

  6. I'd like to post this under Aboriginal but you don't have space to write. Locally in the Fraser Valley we have an abandoned residential school. It's REALLY creepy visiting there. It's called St. Mary's, you should visit there and perhaps do a story on it. Now, Canadians, being the insensitive creeps that they are, have taken to "repurposing" it--turning something "bad" into something "good." So, a school based on FREEDOM in learning rents space there. Okay? get the sick twisted irony? White people get to school their children based on democratic, free-style learning and they are renting space in a residential school to do so. There is also a dance studio renting space in there. Now in Europe do they rent out concentration camps and say, hey, we're turning something horrible into something good? No, of course not! Being Indigenous myself, I will point out to white people how disgusting it is that this place is being used for children's activities--people roll their eyes at me and say, "Hey, just get over it, that old residential school is being used for something GOOD." Residential schools should be MUSEUMS where Canadians go to learn the truth about the origins of this place! So, so, so sick.


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